Sustainable solution against drought- 2018


Most of the areas of Puntland, have received lowest rainfall in the recent past, compared to other years, their livestock have largely and adversely been affected by the severe drought, in the recent famine, it affected more than one million people, who lost their livestock leaving them vulnerable and devastated.

In Puntland state that has population of 3.9 million, 70% live below poverty line, this means 2.7 million people are under crisis & emergences cases as per FSNAU report in 2017.

In 2018, our main focus will be sustainable solution against drought, this will be a durable solutions to cushion the residents from future shocks, we are much interested in agricultural farming in general; this is because we understand that over 35% of the Somalia population depends on agriculture for their income and livelihoods. Moreover, agriculture is considered as the second leading income generating activity for the country that contributes largely to the country’s GDP through livestock exportation.

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