Scope cards’ Distribution – Relief Program


In 2018, SDC in partnership with WFP is implementing relief project in Galkaiyo Somalia, the overall objective of this relief project is to reduce the risk of mortality and death from malnutrition and poor food security among IDPs and host community in Galkaiyo district.

The targeted sites are Bayra,  Cagaaran,  Bacaadwayn,  Xarfo,  Margaago,  Beerdhagaxtuur,   Khayrdoon,  Godad,  Taracaso,  Gaxandhaale,  Heemo,  Boone, Bilcil, Daarusalaam, Cadaygabagabo,  Gacanafale and Horogle   Villages

The local community committees and elders assisted SDC to identify and pick the most deserving households to benefit from project, namely; vulnerable women, poor families, agro-pastoral, minority groups and other vulnerable families in the community, before the selection exercise SDC held meeting with the committee to verify and agree on the selection criteria.

On card distribution, SDC conducted community/beneficiaries mobilization and sensitization on the following issues:

  • Card distribution dates
  • Voucher value, period, duration or dates
  • Acceptable food, type, price and rates
  • Free of choice… beneficiary can go more than two trader or more
  • Keeping card and voucher in safe place
  • About redemptions: loses, finger print related problems etc


Dates of distribution:  03th-09 February 2018, 1452 cards were distributed and 132 cards were missed

SDC revised the targeted sites and extra two villages ( Fardacune and Dhagxayo cade)  after a wide consultation meeting with Galkaiyo Mayor and Mudug governor, the main reasons are as follows:-

  1. Many families and households in the area are in dire need of assistance and the state of food insecurity is worst that we estimated.
  2. SDC was not present when the first mapping was done
  3. Mayor and the government suggested that the project be aligned with government priority needs, where the number of beneficiaries should be spread across the areas prioritized by the government and local municipality.
  4. Communities and elders from the areas that were not previously considered lobbied and beseeched the local leadership and SDC to consider them as they were in an emergency situation


Details on Redemptions

Provide details on beneficiaries’ sensitization.

On distribution process, SDC educated the beneficiaries and provided all information related to distribution of cards, how distribution will be carried out, and the importance of keeping cards in safe hands, the option of the beneficiary to choose the trader they want.

Beneficiaries perception on voucher received and redemption process

Most of beneficiaries are fully satisfied with the process and services from the traders in accordance with the vouchers they have received, they have good regard about the process; the only issue is that there are some beneficiaries from different villages who missed vouchers due finger printing problems

Beneficiaries main commodities redeemed

The beneficiaries are fully satisfied with the choice of items that are allowed to pick from traders during redemption process; the household items allowed provide them with enough choice that meets balance diet including other general benefits.


  • 132 beneficiaries didn’t get their cards; the feel demoralized and neglected to see the rest of the beneficiaries receiving their rations while they don’t know when they will start benefiting from the programme also.
  • 15 cards were not distributed because the owners did not attend the issuing exercise.
  • Project time was limited, especially the time of the registration of beneficiaries.


During our distributions we learned that:

  • Community mobilization/sensitization is the best process that can make the work more easier, flexible and create beneficiary satisfaction
  • Informing and updating beneficiaries about card and voucher creates beneficiaries confidentiality and responsibility


  • There is need to register those missed their cards
  • To issue vouchers to those who have not received
  • To do distribution and avoid any more delay
  • Local government and Mudug governor requested to be consulted during the planning and mapping of benefices.
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