Relief program in Galkaiyo Somalia


Puntland state has estimated population of 3.9 million, 70% of them live below poverty line, and this means 2.7 million people are under crisis & emergences cases as per FSNAU report in 2017.

In respond to the FSNAU report, SDC is advocating and lobbying for programs to assist the most vulnerable people living in Mudug region, especially villages in Galkaiyo district.

In 2018, SDC in partnership with WFP is implementing relief project in Galkaiyo Somalia, the overall objective of this relief project is to reduce the risk of mortality and death from malnutrition and poor food security among IDPs and host community in Galkaiyo district.

The targeted sites are Bayra,  Cagaaran,  Bacaadwayn,  Xarfo,  Margaago,  Beerdhagaxtuur,   Khayrdoon,  Godad,  Taracaso,  Gaxandhaale,  Heemo,  Boone, Bilcil, Daarusalaam, Cadaygabagabo,  Gacanafale and Horogle   Villages

SDC will mobilize and sensitize the communities on the criteria that would be used in selecting the beneficiaries including the number of beneficiaries in each respective location

The target number for beneficiaries would be 1584 individuals from the mapped areas, in every month the beneficiaries will be provided with dry food through scope system.

We also plan to roll out more projects in the near future that will cover many household as soon as we get funding from our partners and well-wishers.

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