
Quarterly Progress-SDC

Highlights and achievement – Period (July-September 2017) 1.    Solicit for funds and aid for drought affected families from donors and all other well-wishers. 2.    Online lobbying and advocacy for aid for the affected individuals, we employed the use of face book and website and the response was commendable. 3.     Started vocational skill […]

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Peace building among the conflicting communities- April-September 2016

The Somali Civil War is an armed Conflict in Somalia that started in 1991, following the Overthrow of Siad Barre. This made the country descend into anarchy as clan-based warlords competed with each other with no one controlling the nation as a whole. The conflict created mistrust and rifts between and within communities, which already knew substantial educational and economic

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Water supply and sanitation – January – July 2016

in July 2016, we completed the Buursalah District water project. The overall objective of the project is to improve health and sanitation conditions of rural people from Buursalah district by promoting their access to safe drinking water. This report covers the overall achievement of the project with physical & financial summary according to final commissioning

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Youth empowerment and rehabilitation- February- October 2016

Somali Development Centre (SDC) is a non-profit, non-governmental and voluntary humanitarian organization which operates in Somalia. The organization was set up to address the social and economic problems facing youth, children and women. SDC works to support youth, children, women and refugee people who have low income by offering free education, income generation activities, micro-credit

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Capacity Building to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence- May-November 2016

  Somalia has been in a state of conflict or post-conflict since the late 1980s, when the country’s civil war began. An ongoing conflict exists in the southern parts of Somalia between government forces and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) against the militant group Al Shabaab. The autonomous state of Somaliland in the

Capacity Building to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence- May-November 2016 Read More »

Dood Cilmiyeed Looga Hadlayo Kor u Qaadida Xirfadaha shaqada oo Garowe Lagu Qabtay-Sawiro/Video.

Caasimadda Puntland waxaa lagu qabtay dood-cilmiyeed looga doodayay sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa xirfadaha shaqada, kaalinta xirfaduhu kaga jiraan horumarka dalka iyo  manaahijta waxbarashada xirfadaha ee dalka ka jira. Dood cilmiyeedkan oo si wadajir u soo qabanqabiyeen Wasaaradda waxbarashada Puntland iyo Xarunta horumarinta ee Salaam, waxaana ka qaybalay Wasiirka waxbarshada Puntland Abshir Aw-yuusuf ciise, Wasiir

Dood Cilmiyeed Looga Hadlayo Kor u Qaadida Xirfadaha shaqada oo Garowe Lagu Qabtay-Sawiro/Video. Read More »

Vocational Education forum

Introduction A big percentage of youth and women in Puntland regions, especially IDP settlements have little skills or no skills at all, given that youth in the Puntland regions have consistently borne the brunt of the protracted conflict for the third generation now, when they enter the job market, their likelihood of finding a job

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Dood Cilmiyeed ku saabsan doorashada Dadban ee Soomaaliya oo lagu qabtay Garowe

Xarunta horumarinta ee Salaama oo kaashanaysay wasaaradda waxbarashada iyo tacliinta sare Puntland ayaa maanta jaamacadda PSU ku qabtay Dood cilmiyeed looga hadlayey arimaha Doorashooyinka Dadban Ee Soomaaliya 2016. Dood cilmiyeen ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay aqoon yahano, ardayda jaamacadaha  iyo masuuliyiin ka socotay Dawladda Puntland oo uu hurmuud u ahaa wasiirka waxbarashada Dr, Abshir Yuusuf

Dood Cilmiyeed ku saabsan doorashada Dadban ee Soomaaliya oo lagu qabtay Garowe Read More »

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