Relief Project in Goldogob District


In 2019, SDC in corporation with WFP is implementing relief project which is part of intervention designed to enable households to meet basic food needs for the target population, the project targets seventeen (17) villages of Xero-jale, Goldogob IDP’s, Bursalah IDP’s, Qansaxle, isqanbus, Ahmed-khayr, Jexo, Darusalam, Riig-oomane, Xuran, Boran-Cad, Kuwayd, Landhere, Tuno-Xanan, Lan-madow, Afgub  and Kalabayr Villages in Mudug region- Goldogop distict Somalia.


In regard to the project, SDC conducted SCOPE registration exercise which was meant to ensure that only the most food insecure and vulnerable households were given priority, the prospective beneficiaries were first fully sensitized on the selection criteria. The criteria included vulnerability indicators such as asset ownership, household size, gender of household head, membership of minority group etc, special consideration was also given to female-headed households; persons with disabilities, food insecure displaced persons and multi-family households with many dependents.


In addition, Indicators which correlate with poverty and food insecurity, such as crop production, availability of market infrastructure, price differentials, income levels and sources, anthropometric measurements of children under five years old, maternal mortality rates, and school attendance/enrolment statistics were also some of the parameter that were put into considerations, the targeting was meant to link a project’s specific purposes with its intended group of beneficiaries.


The project’s expected outcome is to improve immediate food security status for the households affected by drought and conflict emergencies as a way to prevent and downscale malnutrition among the displaced children and pregnant and lactating women among the local communities including building community resilience’s to withstand the effects of the current and future shocks.


Implementation periods for the project will be 4 months, from June – September 2019 and the total number of households are 3,500 households (above 18 years of age).


As per the WFP requirements and guidelines, the scope registration process is an important and imperative step in achieving pertinent and appropriate targeting of beneficiaries of the project, the exercise was conducted in all the 17 target sites where we successfully registered 2500 HH out of the expected 3500HH, the remaining HH already have scope cards from previous projects, the scope registration was strictly conducted in line with WFP guidelines through a transparent process.

In June 2019 we registered a total of 3500 Households in all the 17 villages/IDP mapped for the project.


Before registration we did mobilization and sensitization in each site and the local communities actively took part in it, this included village and farmers committees, elders, local government and local community, we educated them on how the program will be rolled out. We also ensured that 50% of the beneficiaries are female.


The selection and registration committee spearheaded the all process by following the stipulated procedure and they ensured the names that were submitted in the scope registration were the genuine names that were picked during the selection process; they also helped us in mobilization and sensitization exercise.


Additionally, the scope registration process was fully in accordance with the WFP criterion which gives priority to households headed by women, the elderly, disabled, non-working beneficiaries, unemployed, large families and low income households, 50% of the beneficiaries’ are women and we made sure the process was as transparent as possible.

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